Some of the fun items included the worlds largest hat collection at Toad River, the last remaining tressel bridge from the original Alcan highway, and the outrageously cute little town of Kimberly, BC (Bavarian Capital of Canada) which hosts an annual accordian contest in their town "Platzel."
I think what surprised me most was how much wildlife there actually was to see along the highway. Our "bear count" was a total of eight and included two grizzlies and six black bears (one of which was an adorable cub who loved climbing and romping among the trees...a real treat to watch)!
After spending a week to finda place to live and unload my belongings, I am now back to work for Alaska Stock via "telecommuting" and working out the kinks that come along with this new reality! So far so good, and I look forward to seeing and hearing from everyone once again....
~ gina